Juliet Philpott
Juliet is an expert on administrative and regulatory law matters, with a particular interest in privacy law.
Juliet has more than 20 years’ experience as a lawyer in Wellington, London, and Melbourne.
Juliet advises clients on administrative and regulatory law matters, including on the scope and nature of their powers and duties and on the correct interpretation of their specific statutory or regulatory obligations. She is adept at identifying and solving problems for her clients, and has spent the majority of her career advising public entities on lawful and effective decision-making.
She has advised clients in a range of sectors, including education, health, local government, emergency services and professional regulatory. Her clients have included government ministries and departments, crown entities and other statutory bodies, local councils, and entities regulated by government.
Juliet also conducts investigations and is an Association of Workplace Investigators Certificate Holder.
Juliet has particular expertise in privacy and information law issues.
BA/LLB (Hons) Victoria University of Wellington
LLM (first class) University of Cambridge
Practice areas
Advises public sector and regulatory clients on their functions and powers.
Has been seconded as an acting legal advisor within two statutory regulatory bodies, a crown entity, and a territorial authority.
Provides legal advice and training to statutory decision-makers on good decision-making.
Assists with judicial review and other proceedings including preparing pleadings and evidence and advising on ancillary issues arising.
Assisted clients with their involvement with two Royal Commissions, including preparing witness statements, briefing witnesses, and advising on legal issues.
Acts as legal advisor to a District Licensing Committee.
Assisted a statutory body with a response to a significant regulatory review report.
Provides strategic and technical advice on legislative and regulatory amendments.
Advises on the handling of complaints made under statutory complaints processes.
Advises regulatory clients in relation to disciplinary matters including analysing the sufficiency of evidence and preparing charges, witness briefs and submissions.
Advised a central government department in Victoria on the transfer of responsibility for a specific area of regulation from the Department to a statutory entity.
Advised on the regulation of Victoria’s vocational education and training sector, including in relation to breaches of regulatory requirements.
Advised a private client on regulatory issues relation to the acquisition of significant regulated assets (a nursery school business) in the United Kingdom.
Acted pro bono for several asylum seeker clients seeking judicial review of the decision of the Australian Minister for Immigration to refuse their applications for permanent protection visas.
An Association of Workplace Investigators Certificate Holder.
Conducted independent fact-finding investigations of workplace allegations.
Conducted investigations under the Protected Disclosures Act.
Assisted with an investigation following complaints made to a regulator.
Assisting with reviews into the performance of regulatory functions by two Crown entities.
Advises on privacy risk in the context of both current practices and new initiatives.
Advises on responses to privacy breaches.
Provides advice on the application of the Privacy Act in the context of other legal obligations.
Conducts reviews of privacy practices, and advises on risks and available mitigations.
Advises on responses to requests under the Privacy Act, the Official Information Act and LGOIMA.
Advises on the intersection of the Privacy Act with other legislation, including the OIA.
Drafts and reviews privacy policies and other privacy documentation.
Drafts and peer-reviews privacy impact assessments.