Jeremy Prebble
Jeremy specialises in civil litigation and public law. He has extensive experience providing strategic advice and representation to clients on public law, natural resource and Treaty-related matters.
Before joining the independent bar in 2022, Jeremy managed Crown Law’s natural resources team, was Crown Counsel in the Treaty team, and previously has worked at the Department of Conservation and environment law teams at Chapman Tripp in Wellington and Nabarro Nathanson in the UK.
Jeremy has appeared at all Court levels and has assisted clients in a wide range of facilitation/mediation processes including before the High Court, Environment Court (Resource Management and Public Works), Land Valuation Tribunal matters, and in the Māori Land Court.
BSc/LLB Victoria University of Wellington
Practice areas
Acting and advising on matters related to the Common Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011.
Acting and advising on climate change matters, notably in the Waitangi Tribunal Priority Inquiry.
Re Ngāti Kere (Application for leave to appeal judgment re CMT application area) [2024] NZHC 2298.
Re Ngāti Kere (Application to amend CMT application area) [2024] NZHC 1472.
Re Ngāi Tūmapūhia-a-Rangi Hapū Incorporated, on behalf of Nga Uri O Ngāi Tūmapūhia ā Rangi Hapū and others [2024] NZHC 309.
Advising Government on the Whanganui River and Te Urewera settlements.
Defending a range of Treaty settlements from urgency application on overlapping claims and mandate related disputes.
Advising on the disposal of land under the Public Works Act with regard to Māori land where complex and contested issues arise over the land involved.
Appearing in the Wakatu litigation from High Court to Supreme Court.
Advising Government on the Rena disaster particularly in the RMA and on Treaty implications.
Successfully defending Crown decision making in the Waitangi Tribunal over the Radiospectrum 4G roll-out.
Interim and Final Report on the MV Rena and Motiti Island claims, Waitangi Tribunal, 2014.
Baker v The Waitangi Tribunal [2014] NZHC 1116.
Waitangi Tribunal urgency applications re the Whanganui River and Te Urewera Settlements.
Advising Crown agencies on land and Public Works Act complex disputes and issues.
Advising on lease, land and reserves disputes.
Advising on biosecurity and fisheries claims and disputes.
Advising and acting on complex environmental disputes, including under the EEZ Act and RMA.
Acting and advising on fishing and marine mammals litigation.
Pascoe v Minister for Land Information [2024] NZ EnvC 101.
Southern Ranges Ltd v Commissioner of Crown Lands [2023] NZHC 3471.
Pascoe v Ngati Tama Custodian Trustee v Waka Kotahi and Minister of Land Information [2023] NZHC 805.
Pascoe v Minister of Land Information and Environment Court [2024] NZHC 2537.
Pascoe v Minister for Land Information [2024] NZHC 1598.
Pascoe v Minister for Land Information [2023] NZEnvC 54 v Minister for Land Information [2021] NZSC 71 2021.
New Zealand Rock Lobster Industry Council Ltd v Minister of Fisheries [2020] NZHC 1475
Motiti Rohe Moana Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [2020] NZEnvC 73
Motiti Rohe Moana Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [2020] NZEnvC 50
Shark Experience Ltd v PauaMAC5 Inc [2019] NZSC 111 [2019] 1 NZLR 791 2
Shark Experience Ltd v PauaMAC5 Inc [2018] NZSC 121 2018
PauaMAC5 Inc v Director-General of Conservation [2018] NZCA 348 [2019] 2 NZLR 1
Motiti Rohe Moana Trust v Bay of Plenty Regional Council [2018] NZEnvC 67
Rotorua District Council v Ngati Whakaue Education Endowment Trust Board [2018] NZCA 143 [2018] NZAR 951
Hawkeʼs Bay Regional Investment Company Ltd v Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc [2017] NZSC 106 [2017] 1 NZLR 1041
PauaMAC5 Inc v Director-General of Conservation [2017] NZHC 1182
Rena Decision of Resource Consent Panel on MV Rena Resource Consent applications February 2016.
Hawkeʼs Bay Regional Investment Company Ltd v Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc [2016] NZSC 164
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc v Minister of Conservation [2016] NZCA 411 [2016] 3 NZLR 828 [2016] NZRMA 475
Challenger Scallop Enhancement Company Ltd v Director General of the Ministry of Primary Industries [2016] NZHC 3201
West Coast Regional Council v Royal Forest & Bird Protection Society of New Zealand (2006) 12 ELRNZ 269 [2007] NZRMA 32
Environmental Protection Authority, Chatham Rock Phosphate Ltd, Exclusive Economic Zone and Continental Shelf (Environmental Effects ) Act 2012, Decision on marine consent application by Chatham Rock Phosphate limited to mine phosphorite nodules on the Chatham Rise, February 2015.
Contact Energy Hauauru ma Raki Board of Inquiry, 2009-2010.
Advising on complex disputes involving Ministers and the Crown on public decision making.
Providing strategic advice on judicial review and threatened judicial review proceedings.
Shark Experience Ltd v PauaMAC5 Inc [2019] NZSC 111 [2019] 1 NZLR 791 2.
Shark Experience Ltd v PauaMAC5 Inc [2018] NZSC 121 2018.
PauaMAC5 Inc v Director-General of Conservation [2018] NZCA 348 [2019] 2 NZLR 1.
Hawkeʼs Bay Regional Investment Company Ltd v Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc [2016] NZSC 164.
Royal Forest and Bird Protection Society of New Zealand Inc v Minister of Conservation [2016] NZCA 411 [2016] 3 NZLR 828 [2016] NZRMA.
Baker v The Waitangi Tribunal [2014] NZHC 1116.
Smith v Attorney General [2022] NZHC 1693.
Smith v Attorney-General [2020] NZHC 836.
Re Ngāti Kere (Application for leave to appeal judgment re CMT application area) [2024] NZHC 2298.
Re Ngāti Kere (Application to amend CMT application area) [2024] NZHC 1472.
Re Ngāi Tūmapūhia-a-Rangi Hapū Incorporated, on behalf of Nga Uri O Ngāi Tūmapūhia ā Rangi Hapū and others [2024] NZHC 309.
Pascoe v Ngati Tama Custodian Trustee v Waka Kotahi and Minister of Land Information [2023] NZHC 805.
Proprietors of Wakatu v Attorney-General [2017] NZSC 17 [2017] 1 NZLR 423 (2017) 4 NZTR 27-007.
Proprietors of Wakatū v Attorney-General [2015] NZSC 54.
Proprietors of Wakatu v Attorney-General [2014] NZCA 628 [2015] 2 NZLR 298.
Proprietors of Wakatu v Attorney-General [2012] NZHC 1461.
Proprietors of Wakatu v Attorney-General [2012] NZSC 102.